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Van Gogh: Fields

Toledo Museum of Art
Toledo, OH, USA

Fino al 18 maggio 2003

The Toledo Museum of Art, in a partnership with the Kunsthalle Bremen in Germany, is proud to present VAN GOGH: Fields, a tightly focused exhibition of works by renowned 19th-century Dutch artist, Vincent Van Gogh. 

This is the first exhibition solely to address the artist's painted renderings of one of his most cherished themes, the representation of the field in its many guises. The exhibition, consisting of 22 paintings and 5 drawings and watercolors, takes as its point of departure important paintings in the collections of the two participating institutions, Bremen's Field of Poppies and Toledo's Wheat Fields with Reaper, Auvers.

Informazioni sulla mostra
Toledo Museum of Art

Cerca valutazioni e risultati d'asta:

Van Gogh

Van Gogh, Rizzoli, 2004
Vincent Van Gogh, Enrica Crispino, Giunti, 2003
Vincent Van Gogh, Pierre Cabanne, Idealibri, 2003
Van Gogh, Robert Hughes, Rizzoli Libri Illustrati, 2002
Van Gogh, Melissa Mcquillan, Rizzoli Libri Illustrati, 2002
Vincent van Gogh. La vita e l'opera, Franco Vedovello, Mondadori, 2002

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