Francesco del Drago

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The new chromatic circle

In 1978, Nello Ponente wrote: "Del Drago is pushing forward the development of contemporary painting, especially the one related to the great french tradition". Maltese, Rudel, Apuleo, Louis and Macacchi agreed with Nello Ponente, as well as Servera-Boutefoy, who lately presented an exhibition of Del Drago in Villefranche, and who said: "His renewing characteristic has changed the shape of contemporary painting". Francesco Del Drago has started to paint with his father. He has studied in the Academy of Fine Arts of Rome, going at the same time to the studios of his friends and teachers Guttuso, Severini, Birolli and Morandi. In 1951 he moves to Paris, where he still lives, and he becomes a great friend of Pignon, Dewasne, Matta, Leger and Picasso. He has passed some years studying into french museums the great french colorists, and over this experience he moves ahead, reaching around 1960 an original form of painting which will provide him a lot of success in great international events and in various personal and collective exhibitions. He has been active in different disciplines and he wrote 30.000 pages which are consired the "genesis" of a new, revolutionary cromatic theory. He has given lectures about his research in 1973, '74, '75 at the College de France, in 1978 at the Modern Art National Gallery in Rome, in 1983 and 1984 at the National Research Council, in 1987 at the Surikov Institute and at the Painter's House in Moscow. At the "Muchina" in Leningrad and at the Italian Culture Institutes in Madrid, Paris and New York, G. Macchiarella said: "His results are the most advanced in contemporary art". In 1994 the National Fine Arts Academy of China invited him in Hangzhou for a week of professional meetings. The lectures he gave, with the support of his abstract and figurative paintings, have been published in Peking by Xia Shuoqi on the magazine Art (april 1995). For the latest 1995 exhibitions in Rome and New York, Francesco Del Drago has choosen in his early production some paintings and polyptychs that he feels representative of himself.

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